Are You Taking Care of Your Most Important Asset?

Money, cars, houses and trinkets. Do you treasure these assets? If you do, fine, but what about your most important asset? YOU. You are your best asset. Are you taking care of your best asset as much as you are taking care of your material possessions? So how do you take care of your best…

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Can You Laugh Too Much?

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing. My soul probably looks like Fred Astaire.” ? Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not for Sale I don’t know who this author is and I have not read his book, but I resonated with this quote because of the reference to dancing, laughing and Fred Astaire. Can you laugh…

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I'm Beautiful and I Know It

My hair was silky and blond. My eyes were sparkly and blue. I was popular and admired… ..In my dreams. Yes, when I was younger, I wish I was the above. I thought that blondes set the beauty standard and always had the advantage in every situation. And if you didn’t have blond hair and…

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Displays of The Mom Badge

Policemen wear badges. Fireman wear badges. Most authority figures wear badges in our society for identification purposes. Then, there are badges worn that you can’t see from the outside. It is not a pin or fancy button that designates who this person is. Yet, it is still an honorary badge and one that is proud…

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The Beauty in Brokenness

Broken. Shattered. But beautiful. There is beauty in brokenness. I have a friend who is an amazing photographer.  She takes great pictures of people, places and objects all around her. As she casually walked the streets of Seattle on one of her vacations, she noticed a broken window. Snap, she captured that moment. I took…

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