#186: Movement and Mental Health [Podcast]

Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does. There is no shortage of evidence that shows that movement and physical activity are effective tools in dealing with mental health issues. In this session, I summarize my enriching experience at Psypher last month. Psypher is a special workshop created by Matthew Diep, that combines dance and…

#182: The Foundation and Future of Funk [Podcast]

Your style is not your style unless you can choose it. Foundation + You = Your Style -Jojo Diggs Session Summary: Feature Presentation: The 5th Anniversary Funk Celebration by Diggs Deeper was an amazing event that brought the dance community together with insightful panels, exciting battles, and deeply moving performances. 5 commonalities between the speakers’ insights are…

#179: When A Community Comes Together [Podcast]

When a community comes together to focus on a common cause, miracles happen. This week’s session is a quick recap of Boogiezone Utopia, the place that welcomed me back to dance after a 20+ year hiatus, and how people pulled together so that they could stay in operation. Session Summary: Feature Presentation: These are the 5…

#142: Success Isn’t Always A Straight Line [Podcast]

Session Summary  Feature Presentation: In this session of The DancePreneuring Studio, I have a fun and an engaging conversation with Dr. Harold Arnold and Quilan “Cue” Arnold on Cue’s journey from forensic science to dance entrepreneur. Success isn’t always a straight line but the unpredictable journey is always one filled with great life lessons. Links……

#117: Shut Up and Dance [Podcast]

Music is the language of the soul, dance is the language of the body. Body and soul, music and dance conceive an instrument of expression through which the spirit communicates. -Maestro Hector Zaraspe- Photo Courtesy of Emeroy Bernardo Session Summary Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your order tramadol……