#182: The Foundation and Future of Funk [Podcast]

Your style is not your style unless you can choose it. Foundation + You = Your Style -Jojo Diggs Session Summary: Feature Presentation: The 5th Anniversary Funk Celebration by Diggs Deeper was an amazing event that brought the dance community together with insightful panels, exciting battles, and deeply moving performances. 5 commonalities between the speakers’ insights are…

#180: Using Your Words to Hurt or Heal [Podcast]

“Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.” -Yehuda Berg Session Summary: Feature Presentation: I have a wonderful conversation with Katrena Cohea about topics including using your words in ways to empower mindset in dance and life, vegan recipes, and…

#177: How To Use Your Resources [Podcast]

Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is. -Ernest Hemingway- You will hear me talk a lot about the statement, “Do what you can with what you have.” Another reminder of this was a performance called Moves After Dark featuring Clairobscur Dance,…

#176: 8 Insights from Instagram [Podcast]

Instagram is my preferred social platform at the moment. I have learned a few things in my experience with Instagram and I share 8 insights that can help you navigate the content you create and consume. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business…

#175: 7 Warning Signs That You’re In The Wrong Business [Podcast]

Pay attention to warning signs. More importantly, pay attention to your intuition. This session on 7 warning signs that you’re in the wrong business was difficult to record because I still wanted to keep it as positive as possible. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your…