Ray Edwards Makes Awesome Ratatouille:7 Special Ingredients In His Conference Creation

My family loves the movie Ratatouille.

As a matter of fact, it’s one of their favorites.

If you’re not familiar with it, check out this video clip of Remy the Rat, the main character of this film, putting together his ratatouille.

So what does Ray Edwards have to do with ratatouille?

Just as Remy in the movie made the perfect ratatouille, Ray Edwards (very successful copywriter, marketer and all around great guy) put together the perfect recipe for a live conference.  Ray added 7 special  ingredients for a successful conference creation:

1. Ray Edwards himself: Like the finest sea salt,  Ray brought balance and set an amazing environment for the conference thorugh inspiration, instruction and encouragement.

2. Rick Butts: Like cayenne pepper giving your recipe that kick of flavor, Rick brought excitement and energy through his very valuable and powerful teaching.

3. Joel Comm: Like the perfect mixture in Trocomare, Joel kept us focused and entertained with the variety in his presentation and empowered us to tell our story.

4. Ed Hill: Like the pleasant savoriness of Umami, it was refreshing to learn from someone who truly practices what he preaches about authenticity.

5. Kirt Christensen: He was referred to as Mr. X, the element of surprise, and in this case, he was the secret sauce in Ray’s recipe.

6. Sean Edwards: Like a bay leaf which is more potent that you think, Sean gave depth  to the conference through his musical and vocal talent as well as dispelling common misunderstandings about the Book of Revelation.

7. Shirley Proctor: She was like the colorful and beautiful Le Creuset pot that would contain the ratatouille. It was a blessing to witness beautiful inspiration through her art and words that she created around Ray’s masterpiece conference.

Some of these ingredients might not be in your ratatouille recipe, but knowing what they bring, wouldn’t you want them to be? Who would you put together for your perfect success recipe? I  would love to hear the ingredients you would use.

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About the author, Annett

Annett Bone is the creator and host of The DancePreneuring Studio where she guides her listeners on a journey of transformation inspired by dance, life, and business. The podcast is a reflection of her personal adventure overcoming her fears and returning to her passion for dance after a 20+ year hiatus, the lessons that she has learned along the way, and proving that it’s never too late to be great.