5 Things To Spend Your Money On
Am I the only one who thinks that money spent on cigarettes can be put to better use?
I see the signs at the gas station all the time, $4.30 for a pack of Camel and $54 for a carton. Really?
I remember these being 75 cents a pack and around $10 for a carton when they were sold at my grandparents’ convenience store. Even then I thought, why in the world would you want to spend money on things like that, that are so temporary and so harmful to your body?
Instead of temporary pleasures, think about investing your money in one or all of the following:
1. A cool productivity app from the Apple Store that will help you make progress a priority, like an exercise or food tracker, or an activity timer to keep you on task. Two that I use on a regular basis are Repeat Timer for my interval workouts and 30/30 to focus me on tasks for specific blocks of time. These two apps happen to be free, but there are many paid apps that are worth the purchase.
2.A $97 membership fee or product that will serve and accelerate your life and business. This buy cipro usa deserves a post all by itself because there are many great programs and memberships available.
3. An e-book that will expand your thinking and keep you growing. So many fantastic books to review.
And talk about residual benefits when it comes to your health:
1. For $4.30, you can get two stalks of organic kale at a farmers market or Whole Foods Market. And if you don’t like kale, there’s spinach, collard greens, etc.
2. For nearly the same amount, you can get 3 gallons of alkaline water from a place like The Water Brewery ( which we regularly do).
I cringe to even mention this, but $4.30 will buy you “food” from McDonald’s, or as my chiropractor calls it, McToilet–maybe just as bad as that nicotine habit. So, back to Whole Foods or somewhere like that.
I say all this to empathize that addictions (whether cigarettes or something else) are very real but they can be overcome by not focusing on the addiction per se, but focusing on other positive things you can replace them with.
What things do you recommend investing your money in, whether health, life or business? I would love to hear your comments.