5 Easy Ways to Help You Understand the Bible and HTML
HTML can be overwhelming.
It can also be time consuming and frustrating.
If you’re a beginning web designer, HTML is beneficial to know, but initially, you can find yourself getting confused.
<Div> means division, I get that, but what about CSS property overflow? Huh?
Like anything else, it might take some time to comprehend.
God’s Word can also be overwhelming, and it too might take some time to comprehend.
It’s okay.
God’s Word might seem like HTML at times, yet He wants you to understand and apply it.
Here are 5 ways to understand the Bible like HTML:
1. Just as there are many courses and experts that can help you understand HTML, there are guides that can help us understand the Bible better such as trusted pastors, teachers and spiritual advisors. They can provide insight into God’s Word. Just make sure what they say matches what The Word says.
2. Cross reference scriptures with other versions. The way that one passage reads in The Message Bible will probably be different than how it reads in The Amplified. Look at the etymology of the word. You will be surprised how some order tramadol online legally languages don’t translate verbatim to English. In comparison, HTML can appear differently depending on the format. A great example of this is viewing code on the WordPress platform.
3. Cut yourself some slack. If you don’t understand something the first time, it’s not a reflection on you. Perfect practice makes progress. Whether it’s getting better at HTML, or going deeper into God’s word, daily practice is essential.
4. Pray for understanding. God is in the details. God is concerned about every aspect of your life whether it’s understanding HTML or formatting text on a web page. As it says in the Bible, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and He will give it to you.” (James 1:5 NLT)
5. Get out in nature. It’s amazing how God will speak to you when you are quiet and taking in His wonderful creation. Make this a consistent practice and watch what happens.
HTML is detail and God is always in the details.
In what ways has God shown you how to make a seemingly complex matter, simple? I would love to hear your comments below.