#182: The Foundation and Future of Funk [Podcast]

Your style is not your style unless you can choose it. Foundation + You = Your Style -Jojo Diggs Session Summary: Feature Presentation: The 5th Anniversary Funk Celebration by Diggs Deeper was an amazing event that brought the dance community together with insightful panels, exciting battles, and deeply moving performances. 5 commonalities between the speakers’ insights are…

#123: Building a Company Culture with Creatives [Podcast]

Stay long enough in an awkward moment, and eventually something good will come out. -Emeroy Bernardo, on an aspect of team building in uncomfortable situations- Session Summary:  Feature Presentation: I catch up with my good friend Emeroy Bernardo, making this his 3rd time on the podcast as we talk about his new company, building a……

#076: The Beautiful Struggle of Running A Dance Company [Podcast]

In order to create excellent art, you have to be very invested in it. And that requires a devotion of time and energy. -Amy Campion, Artistic Director of Antics, on why she describes dance as a beautiful struggle The words “beautiful” and “struggle” don’t seem to go together but I resonated with them as soon……