#129: 7 Traits of Great Dance Studios [Podcast]


Great dance studios are purposeful in everything that they do. It’s not only about the dance instruction, but the entire student experience. Photo by Adam Littman Davis on Unsplash Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business forward.  Whether it’s an app, a book or an idea,……

#128: The Rise of Sensual Fitness [Podcast]


Bellydance was created for women by women.  It shows what it means to be a woman through dance. Oreet, creator and CEO of Sharqui, The Bellydance Workout Session Summary:  Feature Presentation: I’m thrilled to share this delightful and enlightening conversation with dancer, educator and entrepreneur Oreet as we discuss the origins of bellydance, overcoming body……

#127: How to Create Your Own World of Dance [Podcast]


The most important thing in creating your own world of dance is that it’s your own. Your own perspectives, your own criteria, your own processes–no one else’s.  Your unique journey. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business forward.  Whether it’s an app, a……

#126: Creativity and the Camera [Podcast]


Even in film and art and dance…even things that you push up against, that you think you just don’t like, I think it’s informing you in some way, something triggering you, that’s making you think. -Tonia Barber, on dance or art that doesn’t immediately resonate with you- Session Summary:  Feature Presentation: I had a wonderful……

#125: How to Stop Being Overwhelmed [Podcast]


What is the next logical step? Do that. Then do the next step. -How to stop being overwhelmed when you have many creative choices- Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business forward.  Whether it’s an app, a book or an……

#124: One Question That Can Change Your Life [Podcast]


Use the detours that derail you, to drive you. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business forward.  Whether it’s an app, a book or an idea, you can apply something today that can help you succeed.  Today’s step to success involves several things.……

#123: Building a Company Culture with Creatives [Podcast]


Stay long enough in an awkward moment, and eventually something good will come out. -Emeroy Bernardo, on an aspect of team building in uncomfortable situations- Session Summary:  Feature Presentation: I catch up with my good friend Emeroy Bernardo, making this his 3rd time on the podcast as we talk about his new company, building a……

#122: Dance and Fitness [Podcast]


What attracts me to dance is not the fitness aspect but the creative exploration… Session Summary: Feature Presentation:  Short session due to travel and technical difficulties with my server, but better late than never, right? In this session, I address two questions I was asked recently regarding my  dance and fitness journey. This journey is……

#121: Collaboration, Competition and Creativity [Podcast]


“What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.” -Margaret Thatcher- Session Summary: Feature Presentation: Collaboration, Competition and Creativity are three of several topics……

#120: 3 P’s That Will Transform Your Life [Podcast]


There is no shortage of resources, there is lack of proper perspective. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business forward.  Whether it’s an app, a book or an idea, you can apply something today that can help you succeed.  Today’s step to success……

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