One of The Worst Debts To Have
Do you owe to Uncle Sam?
How’s that mortgage and car payment coming along?
Is that credit card balance going down?
You might have these debts that you are working on paying off, but one of the worst debts to have is not even financial.
This debt can cost you a lot more than money.
What is it?
It’s borrowing worries. 
How do you know if you’re borrowing worries?
- You watch the news and the negative aspects are always the subject of your conversations.
- You constantly ask “What if?” and imagine the worst possible outcomes.
- You read and listen to more negative material than positive material.
- You allow too many people to dump their worries on you. You are not a trash can with a hairy tramadol 100mg no prescription lid. I am all for helping people but if they need to talk about challenges, they need to come at it focused on solutions, not wallowing in the temporary circumstances.
- You go to bed choosing to focus on negative situations and wake up focused on negative situations.
Worrying does not make things better. I love what it says in the Bible:
“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27 NIV
I have done all of the above. I am not perfect, but I continue to make progress in this area.
How do you conquer borrowing worries? I look forward to getting your feedback on this topic.