#179: When A Community Comes Together [Podcast]


When a community comes together to focus on a common cause, miracles happen. This week’s session is a quick recap of Boogiezone Utopia, the place that welcomed me back to dance after a 20+ year hiatus, and how people pulled together so that they could stay in operation.Session Summary:Feature Presentation: These are the 5 takeaways I…

#178: Observations on Calm and Chaos [Podcast]


  Calm and chaos. Yin and yang. Navigating how to process these things. Such is life. Besides being a delightful experience, The 12th Annual MixMatch Dance Festival by Hart Pulse Dance Company inspired thoughts on calm and chaos. Session Summary: Freestyle Flow: The song You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi came to mind when…

#177: How To Use Your Resources [Podcast]


Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is. -Ernest Hemingway- You will hear me talk a lot about the statement, “Do what you can with what you have.” Another reminder of this was a performance called Moves After Dark featuring Clairobscur Dance,…

#176: 8 Insights from Instagram [Podcast]


Instagram is my preferred social platform at the moment. I have learned a few things in my experience with Instagram and I share 8 insights that can help you navigate the content you create and consume. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your business…

#175: 7 Warning Signs That You’re In The Wrong Business [Podcast]


Pay attention to warning signs. More importantly, pay attention to your intuition. This session on 7 warning signs that you’re in the wrong business was difficult to record because I still wanted to keep it as positive as possible. Session Summary: Step to Success: A step to your success is anything that moves your life and your…

#174: Being The Kind of Person Others Want to Be Around [Podcast]


People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. -Theodore Roosevelt- In the latest session, I share a quick recap with Junior, creator and founder of JanFam The Movement, and Joey Cooper, Faculty Member on JanFam The Movement, covering their feedback on a recent choreography workshop with Tish Oliver, former dancer…

#173: 7 Advantages of Having The Odds Stacked Against You [Podcast]


Odds stacked against you? Doesn’t matter. What matters is your mindset.  In this latest session of The DancePreneuring Studio, I share 7 advantages of having the odds stacked against you. You’ll be encouraged by these. : ) 1. There is no way to go but up, if you decide to choose to progress forward. You……

#172: 5 Reasons to Rejoice in Rejection [Podcast]


Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. -Marcus Aurelius- It seems counterintuitive to rejoice in rejection but it is one of the best perspectives you can adopt for your physical, mental and emotional well being.  In the latest session of The DancePreneuring Studio, I share 5 reasons to rejoice in rejection so……

#171: Why You Need to Be the Author of Your Life Story [Podcast]


You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice. – Bob Marley – The above quote reminded me of dancer and author Renee Harris, who has overcome intense obstacles in dance, life and business. She is back with her new Brave and Fearless Workshop Series as we catch up on……

#170: How to Get The Most from Podcasts [Podcast]


I love that there is a variety of ways to consume information. With podcasts, you think it’s audio only, however, you can learn beyond using your ears to other senses as well. Here are 5 ways that you can get more from podcasts: 1. Subscribe to the shows you don’t want to miss.  Also unsubscribe……

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